
Greg Rogers


Greg has considerable experience in the public sector, specifically policing, social housing and education. He has been the Head of Governance and Compliance at Feversham Education Trust since early 2019. Greg has gained significant experience of governance, risk, communications and compliance through his current role and previous roles with West Yorkshire Police and Yorkshire Housing.

Skill Set: Governance, Compliance, Data Protection, Risk, Education

Geraldine Tolan


Geraldine is a retired police officer having served 31 years initially, with City of Bradford Police and then with West Yorkshire police. During her time in the force she was often the first female police officer in that department and was the first female Community Constable in Bradford. She worked with other Government departments, other police forces and people from local and international communities. Geraldine has also been a School Governor and Deputy Chair of a local primary school for over 20 years with a responsibility for Headteacher Performance Management, SEN, Teaching and Learning and was Chair of the After-School Clubs.

Skill Set: School Governance, Communication and Compliance

Julie McGovern


Julie currently practices as a family Lawyer in a Bradford City centre firm of solicitors,
specialising in public childcare Law. Julie regularly deals with the public, His Majesty’s Court
service and children’s social care as part of her daily roles, which she has carried out for
over 29 years. For over 7 years, Julie has previously been a governor of two Local Bradford
schools, and was the Chair of governors for one of our schools.

Skill Set: School Governance, Family Law Specialist and Strategic Vision

Scott Crosby


Scott currently works as the Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager at Public Health England (PHE) and Programme Director for Prevention at North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust.
After graduating from Brunel University in 1996 Scott worked in Business and Marketing before moving in to Education and then Public Health, where he has worked since 2003 for the NHS, the Department of Health and a Local Authority.

Scott is a visiting Lecturer of Public Health at the School of Medicine at the University of Leeds. He is a Fellow at the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) and was elected as a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) through Distinction for his contribution to Public Health in 2016.

Skill Set: Leadership, political awareness, advocacy, strategic vision, creativity and problem solving

Rizwan Rehman


Rizwan is a Partnerships and Programme Manager for Bradford Council within Education, Employment and Skills Service and manages a multi-million pound employability provision. He has over 20 years’ experience work of working with local government and has led on a range of transformational projects that have needed leadership and strategic management. Rizwan has studied Public Finance Accountancy, Institute of Personnel Development and MSc Diversity Management. More recently he has completed the National Governance of Leaders programme through the Ambition Institute and completed a programme on Trust Chair’s leadership from Confederation of School Trusts (CST). Rizwan has a passion for education and supports a number of programmes that promote education and learning. As an alumni of University of Bradford he is fortunate to meet with young students who are unsure of careers paths and seek support in developing learning pathways. Rizwan has also been given the British Empire Medal for his services to Education

Skill Set: Governance, education, accountancy and leadership

Register of Interests